Join Gary Rowe and Joscelyn Rowe as they draw on decades of experience with a fun, engaging "what would you do?" session. Have you had to turn down a gift? Have you been asked to do something you weren't comfortable with? Gary and Joscelyn will talk about real life experiences and how the AFP code of ethics can help guide you to make the right decision. Knowing how to handle a sticky situation before it comes up can be the difference between saving a relationship and losing it. Maintaining your integrity might lose you a gift but protect your agency.
Presented by Gary Rowe, Rock Island Community Foundation and Genesius Guild and Joscelyn Rowe, Quad Cities Community Foundation
Cost is free for members and $10 for non-members.
Please feel free to bring your lunch. Our educational luncheons are brown bag.
Check-in starts at 11:45 am